
Clean water for Southern Africa


Over 100 million people in Southern Africa have no access to clean water – many sources in rural areas are contaminated. In the SafeWaterAfrica project, African and European partners are working closely to develop a decentralized system solution for water purification that can be operated and maintained autonomously by rural inhabitants. The system covers the clean water needs of several hundred people. Researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Surface Engineering and Thin Films IST are coordinating the project.
Clean water is a scarce resource in rural parts of Southern Africa. Natural sources often contain chemical and microbiological impurities. And the rate of mortality from water-borne pathogens and pollutants is correspondingly high, with infectious diseases a major factor.



·凯菲勒净水 | 2024HPE中国热泵展圆满落幕,期待下一次的再会!(2024-04-11)

